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XCF-CTRL-01Power module

Control and management module for tool supports

Pneumatic supply and control kit with: One pneumatic and electrical distribution board with 2 bistable 5/2 electrovalve including a compact multi-protocol I / O module for Ethernet 8 universal…

12.73 kg
184 x 194 x 177 mm mm
5 x KQ2 8mm

XCF-BAM-RWeldment base

Mechanically welded pole

Weldment, base fixture (Metric) - Profile 100x200 mm - Base plate 300x400mm - Height 1200mm

51.00 kg
1200 x 300 x 400 mm mm

XCF-RS4-COVER-S3+V63Cover Assembly

Protective cover for S3 and epsilon

Assembly cover for Sigma 3 or Epsilon 160 tool changer RS4 version (Automotive std) actuated by DIN norm V63 pneumatic power clamp incuding speed controllers, sensors and cables.Clamping fixture and…

12.73 kg
342 x 302 x 838 mm mm

XCF-CA-BP-NET-ARO-3VSTool Mounting Bracket

Fixing bracket for 3VS supports

Safety bracket for XCF-CA-MMC-NET - BUS 3VS Version- Machining for ARO gun -safety switch for interlocking (M12 8 CTS).Maximum weight 150 Kg

5.98 kg
250 x 195 x 98 mm mm

XCF-CA-MMC-NP-NET-02 spring-loaded compliant

Standard compliant support

Fixture compliant assembly without blank plate , with safety Trojan Key- Version for BUS- No "Tool presence" sensor

14.06 kg
301 x 263 x 119 mm mm

XCF-RS4-COVER-S5+V63Cover Assembly

Protective cover for S5, S8 and epsilon

Assembly cover for Sigma 5 tool changer RS4 version (Automotive std) actuated by DIN norm V63 pneumatic power clamp incuding speed controllers, sensors and cables. Clamping fixture and valves out of…

12.73 kg
342 x 332 x 768 mm mm

XCF-CA-BPTool Mounting Bracket

Standard fixing bracket

Spare bracket for XCF-CA-MMC

5.98 kg
250 x 195 x 98 mm mm

AC trayCompliant units & Covers

support pour AC063
The reference plate for automatic tool change

AC Tray: the solution for reliable and precise use of automatic connectors and tools, with great flexibility of use.

-30 to +120 °C
IP 40
Al, anod.