The automotive industry is using automated welding guns since robots are used in production lines. This hazardous and heavy task has been given to robots as soon as they were able to perform it. And maybe robot tool changers have been created first to answer the needs of welding applications.
At PES, we provide tool changing solutions for welding applications for a long time and we have met all the different technologies since the late '80s. Tool changers and automated welding guns have then a long story and can rely on proven-in-use technology but are also the most complex applications one can find on tool changers.
Indeed, in a welding gun configuration, the tool changers use all the utilities you can find in an automotive plant. High electrical current providing the welding power, servomotors control, and feedback (sometimes high-frequency signals), cooling water, pressurized air, and even Fieldbus in an Industry 4.0 world. At PES we master all these interfaces with dedicated standard or custom modules. Our modular solution can effectively serve all the different welding guns model and our engineering can benefit from the return on the experience of the hundreds of tool changers we have supplied in automotive plants worldwide.
That is why today we can say: PES Tool Changer + Automated Welding Guns = Project Success. Find out more about this application in our dedicated sheet.
Tool Changers - Welding Gun Application